Toast To a Job Well Done at Heineken’s Pick 6ix Afterwork Event

By Ross Vernon Dias

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Our wind-down recommendations are a great way to forget about a grueling workday. Next week, leave work at work and celebrate a job well done with Heineken’s Afterwork event.

When: Thursday, October 3, 2019, 5PM – 8PM

What it is: An exclusive event by Heineken that brings a fresh round of perspective to Toronto’s work hard, play hard work harder culture. Sign up for free entry here.

Where it’s located: Pick 6ix Sports, 33 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M5E 0A9

Why visit: Bid adieu to the workday with a refreshing Heineken in hand and the company of your closest friends.

How it came to be

Work deadlines? They can wait.

In working cultures around the world, it’s common practice to unwind from the workday with a casual drink and friends. In Tokyo, the streets of Golden Gai are packed with professionals practicing “nomication”—a portmanteau of communication and the Japanese word for drinking. In London, traffic picks up at the local pubs at 3 p.m. But that’s not usually the case for downtown Toronto’s office workforce. In our work-obsessed culture, where we prioritize the rat race of getting ahead, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important in life.

Part of leading a proper work-life balance is being able to not only create, but foster real relationships with co-workers, replacing the title of “colleague” with “friend.” However, it can be difficult in professional settings where conversations surround deadlines, drafts, and meetings (snooze). Let’s be honest, we’d all rather discuss relationships, hobbies and our latest Netflix obsession.

Heineken is here to help break down those cubicle walls both figuratively and literally, and ease the transition between working hours, and after-work relaxation. It’s time to end the rat race cycle.

On October 3, Heineken wants to bring Torontonians closer to cultures around the world with a taste of this relaxed lifestyle, and they are bringing it right to one of Toronto’s most popular hot-spots: Pick 6ix, the Drake affiliated sports bar on Yonge Street.

What to expect

Good music, tasty bites from Pick 6ix’s famous kitchen, a relaxed vibe, refreshing Heineken and trendy visuals, perfect for new snaps for your IG.

Networking can seem tedious at times, or overly formal, but if you’re a young professional it’s part of the game. A casual after-work setting takes the pressure off and lets you make those connections in a fun environment. In fact, 70 per cent of employees say friends at work is the most crucial element of a happy working life, according to a study by OfficeVibe. You never know until you try! Leaving work at your desk could be the best career decision you’ve ever made.

Register to the event’s guest list here and enjoy an elevated, curated event with all your favourite friends and co-workers. Celebrate the successes of the work week and toast to conquering the challenges ahead.

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