GLORY 30X30: Meet the Class of 2024
Our annual GLORY 30X30 celebrates thirty remarkable Canadian leaders who are redefining their industries, reshaping communities, and changing the way we work and connect with each other. From tech disruptors revolutionizing their fields to artists creating cultural paradigms, the GLORY 30X30 honourees embody the definition of Canadian excellence. Meet the 30X30 Class of 2024. Share […]

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GLORY 30X30 2024
Tara Bosch wearing a fuschia blazer and white shirt looking off-camera with a beige background
BIG Story Feature Image (4388 × 2469 px) (2)
Jake Karls wearing a pair of yellow sunglasses and a white hoodie with his company logo. He is holding up two packages of his snack brand on either side of his face.
Man smiling against a grey backdrop wearing a grey and navy blue jacket with white button up shirt underneath.
Black 30X30 writing on beige background.
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