5 Feminist Brands Redefining Sexual Wellness

By Rebecca Tucker

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Since the beginning of COVID, Valentine’s Day has been a little different. For couples, in-restaurant meals were often replaced with take-out or delivery, while those with children might not have had the luxury of hiring a babysitter or handing youngsters off to a relative or family friend for the night. Date night on February 14—like any other date nights over the past two years—is most likely to take place in the same kitchen as, well, every other night. 

And for singles (or couples who are celebrating long-distance) the opportunities for IRL intimacy, as for much of the last 24 months, might be lacking. But while many may not be able to indulge in more casual physical encounters, there are more ways than ever to find pleasure at home—particularly for women. 

A number of women-centric brands have launched in recent years, aimed at dismantling the stigma that surrounds female pleasure—and, of course, providing tools, toys, and tips to help women explore their sexuality. Here are five of our favourite brands that are empowering women through pleasure.

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