OPINION: Tackling the Rising Mental Health Crisis Caused by AI (with AI)

Digital image featuring a surreal-like artificial brain against a background that has wavy lines and looks very cerebral.

In an era where the impact of social media on mental health feels like it’s become old news, a new concern looms on the horizon—artificial intelligence (AI). Our use of AI has skyrocketed daily, from asking digital assistants such as Siri or Alexa to tell us the weather before leaving the house to submitting returns […]

Five Entrepreneurial Lessons From the Founders of Clubhouse

Clubhouse co-founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth in studio discussing social networking app

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In April of 2020, Rohan Seth and Paul Davison launched the audio-based app, Clubhouse. The platform was created for individuals looking to tell stories and create new friendships through a series of chatrooms. Currently, the social networking app is being used by those wishing to engage in collisions of conversations across the board. Our Editor-In-Chief, […]