How to Read More Books: 20+ Pieces of Advice From People Who Love to Read


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We’re almost one year into the COVID-19 pandemic and while a return to normalcy inches closer and closer, we’re still tasked with finding ways to fill our time until that happens. Chances are, many of you have spent the duration of the pandemic mindlessly scrolling through Netflix (or one of the many other subscription services that you signed up for this past year) in search of content and new ways to engage your mind. One year in, it may feel like your options for quality content are starting to dwindle.

With the start of a new year comes new resolutions, and one of those may have been to cut down on Netflix, doomscroll a little less, and read more. Admit it, there’s probably pile of books sitting somewhere in your home that you once optimistically collected with an earnest hope to read. But then that new show started, or your deadline creeped up, or you simply just didn’t feel like it. That’s okay.

If you’re looking to refresh your goals and read more this year, we’ve rounded up the best advice to get you behind a book and turning pages. From sports marketing professionals and financial advisors to bestselling authors and tech founders, we asked 20+ self-proclaimed bibliophiles about their recommended reads, favourite local bookstores, and, most importantly, their best advice on how to read more books. Swipe through the gallery below to read what they had to say.

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