Flow Alkaline Spring Water Founder and CEO, Nicholas Reichenbach, Is Infusing Health Into Your Lifestyle

By Kamille Coppin

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”black”][vc_column_text]“What can further their wellness journey, while being sustainable?” 

This question has been at the heart of Flow Alkaline Spring Water’s mandate since its inception

While at the Burning Man Music and Arts Festival, now CEO and Founder Nicholas Reichenbach, was inspired by the copious amounts of trash left behind by festival goers. Capitalizing on a family owned artesian spring, Reichenbach developed a way to build wellness practices and sustainability into an everyday product — water. 

Flow’s vision is to inspire the world’s wellness with the power of water, inherently all of our products fit into that statement. We want to inspire the world to be healthy and better,” says Reichenbach

With consumer satisfaction at the helm of the company’s decision making, Flow Alkaline Spring Water has now secured long-term capital in support of its continuous growth and mission to establish itself as the next premium water brand.

Tapping into the influence of industry giants like Shawn Mendes, Post Malone and Chase Utley, Flow Alkaline Spring Water, has catapulted it’s profits to expect to sell one hundred million packs of water this year alone. With every milestone met, Reichenbach re-inserts efforts into the community donating 1 million dollars worth of water to frontline workers combating the coronavirus pandemic. [/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”18057″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]Designed with an on the go healthy lifestyle in mind, Flow has now expanded their product line to include collagen infused water. This addition, Reichenbach says was not only a natural progression for the company but for the customers who consider health and wellness paramount. 

“Collagen is a great example of how we can infuse healthy and natural, organic ingredients [into spring water],” says Reichenbach, “We will be continuing our journey to satisfy the wellness consumer by infusing the water with all of their essential needs around the key pillars; beauty, and wellness.” 

In our latest addition to Bay Street Bull’s Entrepreneur of the Week Spotlight series, we talked to Nicholas Reichenbach about Flow Alkaline Spring Water’s Series D capital raise, the art of investing and the essentials of influencer marketing when growing a brand. [/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Q & A “][vc_column_text]First, congratulations on achieving your Series D capital raise! How has this journey been for you?  

The journey’s been incredible –  it’s one an entrepreneur can only dream of. From a spark of an idea at Burning Man to projecting to sell over 100 million packages of Flow this year is just incredible. I’m so grateful to have the best team and shareholders during these very difficult and unprecedented times. We were able to bring some great people on board including;Post Malone, Shawn Mendes, and Andrew Curtis. For them to believe in Flow as much as I did, is an incredible experience – by far the best to date.  

When approaching or looking for investors for financial growth, what qualities do you look for in financial partners as an entrepreneur? 

We look for people who have the same vision – want to have a positive impact on the planet and world. It’s common across all of our shareholders. It’s great they invest in something that has traction, but the company is sustainable and the product is inherently healthy and tastes good. Ultimately, they are looking to be a part of a high-growth company that shares the same values that they hold.  

Flow Alkaline Spring Water has been endorsed and sponsored by some pretty big names across industries. In today’s modern world, how important has influence and digital presence been in cultivating your brand? 

What’s the world without digital now? In the early 2000s, I began selling digital products and creating ringtones and video games for digital and social platforms – my last six companies have all been digital, focused on key components such as consumer acquisition, platform engagement and more. When I built Flow it was on the back of a digital platform. We’ve invested heavily in this to fund our customer loyalty programs and enterprise resource planning. It’s important because it’s how we engage with, monetize and give the consumer lifetime value and follow them through their consumer journey for a seamless interaction – water is a lifetime product.  [/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_single_image image=”18059″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]What is most essential to consider when focusing on business growth and development? Is there a north star that you follow to manage success?  

The north star really is the brand. It’s the halo that drives the decisions we make. We have 10 million consumers, their values and needs are our key pillars and ultimately our success. One of the many things that set’s Flow apart from other brands is the packaging and design. What, in your opinion, is the influence of design in creating a successful product? Our brand represents our wellness consumer, the design is that representation – giving us a unique position. “Designed for her, by her.” 

The path of an entrepreneur is a turbulent one. How do you handle adversity and stay grounded in regards to your goal?  

It is a roller coaster, I tend to lean into the ground myself, meaning, lean into the lifestyle of the brand Flow. Keeping myself positive, happy, and focused on my goals are all core pillars of the brand.  I’m in my Flow when going into work, the core pillars help me stay grounded and I bring with me through all elements of life.  

When was a time that you doubted your capabilities and how have lessons learned helped you to become the leader you are today?  

What I’ve learned throughout my entire life is that failure is absolutely an essential part of success. I’m the master at a rebound of failure. I live on the principle that failure and success are the same things – any situation can be turned into a positive one. It will help guide and put you on a path to success. When things don’t work, you realize what does.  

What advice would you give another entrepreneur who is trying to break into a saturated market?  

My two pieces of advice I’d offer a fellow entrepreneur would be; to have tenacity, it’s a non-stop mental game that needs a high dose of tenacity and passion and to be a little ignorant sometimes. Don’t overthink it when you’re going up against those larger corporations. It’s easier to think you can’t do it, than to think you can. 

Is there anything I haven’t asked you about the company or your personal journey that you would like to mention? 

There are two things you need to be wildly successful, which are: 

  1. Have a product that people can believe in  
  2. Have an amazing support system and team – no company has ever been built by one person, my team is phenomenal and it truly is a testimony to the brand 
