Female-first cannabis consumer packaged goods (CPG) are a rapidly growing category. Here’s a survey of the newcomers and pioneers.
Women make over 75 percent of CPG purchasing decisions. Combine that with the legalization of cannabis and increasing consumer interest in plant-derived health and wellness, and the potential for massive growth in products containing the plant is inevitable. By no means is this limited to the smokable, edible, or psychoactive. These leaders in the space have combined established female-focused products in health, wellness, and beauty with cannabis in a tasteful manner that reflects the increasingly varied and sophisticated market.
Bud in the Bedroom
Foria’s tasteful design and commitment to natural ingredients make them a leader in the female-first, sex-positive wellness space. Their lube, Pleasure, is made of coconut oil and THC extracted from cannabis grown to organic standards, resulting in reported heightened sensitivity and increased pleasure.
Keep it Clean
Since 2013, Vancouver-based Miss Envy has been producing a line of non-GMO and organic skincare, wellness, and culinary cannabis products. Their bath bombs are made with sea salts, cold-pressed coconut oil, and come in rosemary, lime, and lavender. The cherry on top? They also contain 50 mgs of THC and are non-psychoactive.
Flower Power
Many women who turn to cannabis seeking relief from menstrual pain have found success with strains containing a balanced blend of THC and CBD. Tilray is one of the leading producers of medical grade cannabis with a wide distribution that offers products in both flower and oil form.
Herbal Renewal
Skincare products are one of the easiest entry points for new cannabis users due to their non-psychoactive and plant-derived nature. Herb Essentials moisturizer adds cannabis sativa oil to round out an array of other organic ingredients, including aloe, green tea, and olive oil.
Oil Boom
Aphrodite is a CBD supplement company whose stated mission is to empower women to put themselves first. The elegant labeling and a classic apothecary-style bottle make their Icaria line of CBD oils ready for discrete, sublingual dosing. The CBD is derived from hemp oil and is blended with coconut oil. Strengths vary to appeal to experienced and novice users, alike.
Tray Chic
When Cedella Marley (daughter of Bob Marley) helped launch Marley Natural, an upscale cannabis accessories company, it was as much a gender shift as it was a generational one in cannabis culture. The entire line has a rustic, chic aesthetic that modernizes the recreational lifestyle. The multipurpose walnut tray finished in teak oil could just as easily contain loose jewelry as well as errant cannabis flower.
Smoke Signals
Come October 17th, novice smokers who’ve never rolled a joint are in luck thanks to Van der Pop’s colorful pre-rolled cones. Made out of palm pulp paper and FDA-approved soy ink, these sticks are designed for ease of use and bring flair to any party with their fun patterns and colours.