GLORY Kicks Off Its Inaugural GLORY Sports Summit 2024
Earlier this week, GLORY Media hosted its inaugural GLORY Sports Summit 2024, bringing together 200 athletes, sports executives, marketers, brand managers, influencers, and more into one room to discuss the world of sports. Held at Toronto’s Makeway (a woman-owned and operated business), the afternoon included a full program of panels and interviews that discussed everything […]

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Michael Garrity, CEO of the tech company Financeit, sitting on a stool in a white room with some plants in the background. He is wearing blue jeans, a white, button down shirt, and he is smiling.
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Jake Karls wearing a pair of yellow sunglasses and a white hoodie with his company logo. He is holding up two packages of his snack brand on either side of his face.
Keesa K wearing a grey sweatshirt with an orange background and 30X30 behind her.
Sasha Exeter posed in front of a blue glass background. She is turned slightly sideways and looking at the camera.
Apple laptop with spreadsheets and graphs on the screen. There are two hands resting on the keyboard. To the right is a stack of papers with a hand clutching them. To the left is a birthday card against a blue background.
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