Bertani Wines: Guardians of Amarone’s Rich Heritage and Future

“Since you love Italian red wines, have you tried Amarone?” Amarone della Valpolicella is a prestigious Italian wine crafted using the ancient technique of air-drying grapes. Its name, translating to ‘Great Bitter’ in Italian, distinguishes it from the sweeter Recioto of the same region. Produced mainly from Corvina, Corvinone, and Rondinella grapes in Valpolicella […]
Can I Have That Job? Christopher Sealy, Master Sommelier

What does it take to be a captain of industry? To be the best at what you do while also loving every minute of it? In our new series Can I Have Your Job?, we explore the career paths of today’s most interesting professionals, asking them for sage career advice and how they got the […]