The Power 50: Canada’s Most Impactful Companies 2021

Our 2021 Power 50 guide showcases a group of game-changing companies that are redefining their respective industries to be more resilient, efficient, and thoughtful. From providing pandemic relief to supporting underrepresented communities, these companies (and the people who are leading them) understand what it means to build a company and community in Canada.

Luke Vigeant Brings Affordable Mental Health Resources to 37 Million Canadians with Inkblot Therapy

Inkblot Therapy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”black”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]How inclusive is Canada’s free healthcare system? For years health care professionals and Canadians who are lacking access to adequate resources, due to a lack of finances and other variables, have been questioning visible cracks. Co-founder and CEO, Luke Vigeant, has been questioning and creating solutions to affordable mental health resources with Inkblot Therapy. […]