CHANEL Spring Summer 2024 Haute Couture: A Balletic Ode to Freedom

In the exquisite world of CHANEL, every detail is a masterpiece, and the iconic button is no exception. Gabrielle Chanel, the revolutionary mind behind the brand, regarded buttons as more than just fasteners; they were symbols of freedom, releasing women from the constraints of fashion. Virginie Viard, the current torchbearer of CHANEL’s legacy, takes this […]

Here’s How Luxury Brands Are Helping in the Fight Against COVID-19

Chanel Luxury COVID-19

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”black”][vc_column_text]The world continues to come together to support the healthcare system. With a total of 787,000 cases globally (and counting) the impact of the pandemic is being felt worldwide. Managing the demand COVID-19 has placed on hospitals has overwhelmed resources causing shortages in needed medical supplies. In an effort to contribute, luxury retailers and fashion […]