Startup Spotlight: Felix is Making Healthcare More Accessible (And Comfortable)

Felix Health

While many businesses have suffered immeasurable economic damage in the wake of COVID-19, other companies and industries have seen a surge in activity and growth, like those in healthcare and video conferencing. Felix is a virtual healthcare company that was born in the months before Coronavirus, and may emerge from the rubble as a leader […]

Natalie Eva Gray and Karn Saroya on Running a Business Together For Over a Decade

power couple

Power Couple is a new series that focuses on Canada’s most enterprising couples. This edition, Cover co-founders, Natalie Eva Gray and Karn Saroya. [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Launching a business is hard enough, but doing so with your life partner presents its own set of unique challenges and obstacles that can make or break a relationship. Natalie Eva Gray and […]

4 Ways Startups Can Protect Themselves During A Recession

business man walking across a sidewalk

The economy is enjoying a spectacular run. The S&P 500’s bull market approaches its 11th birthday in March, and many younger investors have never seen a bear. But all good things come to an end — and ominous clouds are already gathering. Key segments of the US yield curve inverted at the end of January […]