Raptors’ President Masai Ujiri Releases Statement in Support of #BlackLivesMatter
It was a day to remember for millions of Canadians as for the first time ever, the Toronto Raptors walked away from the 2019 basketball season as league champions. For President Masai Ujiri, the moment was tainted when police officer Alan Strickland, stationed at the game, provoked an altercation with Ujiri while checking credentials. The […]
How To Understand Police Violence: Not A Case Of Good Cop vs. Bad Cop
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Amidst the grief, disbelief and justified outrage at the killing of African Americans, many people want to make sense of what appears to be senseless police mayhem and violence. The killing of George Floyd and other African Americans by police has led to civilian protests and outrage across the United States and around the world. […]