Want to Attract Top Talent? It’s Time to Make Inclusive Mentorship a Priority

When I was 19, I thought I had hit the pinnacle of success. I had just landed a full-time job at a computing and telecommunications organization. Then, in my first performance review, my manager told me, “You are very competent, you can do much more than this job.” I was hurt! I wanted to hear […]
How The Black Entrepreneur Startup Program Breaks Down Systemic Barriers

The Black Entrepreneur Startup Program by Futurpreneur wants young Black entrepreneurs across Canada to succeed. Launched in March and available for Black entrepreneurs ages 18 to 39, the program aims to fill the gaps currently in the entrepreneurship eco-system. In discussion groups, Black entrepreneurs have said the resources they need most are training, support services, […]
9 Canadian Entrepreneurs Reflect on Fatherhood and Fathers

Being a father and an entrepreneur may have more in common than you think. We asked a few entrepreneurial dads about their experiences in fatherhood.
8 Quotes for Young Entrepreneurs from HXOUSE Co-Founders, La Mar Taylor and Ahmed Ismail

Photography: @Notoriouslenses [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Being a creative entrepreneur can be difficult. Being a young creative with no resources or guidance can feel like treading water in the middle of a hurricane. At a time when nothing of its kind existed, Toronto natives La Mar Taylor and Ahmed Ismail founded HXOUSE; a cross-disciplinary think-tank created to support, inspire, […]
Make Way for Leah MacNab, NBA Canada’s New Managing Director

As NBA Canada’s new Managing Director, Leah MacNab has some big plans for the future of basketball in Canada. Leah MacNab: After a banner season that saw the Toronto Raptors win the NBA championship, Leah MacNab is excited for the road ahead. The new Managing Director of NBA Canada, MacNab has been tasked with overseeing […]
From Lady Gaga to Richard Branson, 21 Pieces of Leadership Advice to Use in 2020

From Lady Gaga to Richard Branson, we gathered the 21 best pieces of business and leadership advice from our archives for you to use in 2020.