How Reach CEO Sam Ranieri Tore Down the Borders of E-Commerce

Reach CEO and founder Sam Ranieri

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sam Ranieri is the founder and CEO of Reach, the cross-border payments provider. Ranieri has amounted more than two decades of experience in the fintech, foreign exchange, and international treasury management industries. Before his role with Reach, Sam led the corporate division of foreign exchange provider Calforex, setting up the business in 2002 before steering […]

OPINION: The End Of Credit Checks

Chad Guziewicz, Co-Founder of Rentify, shares his opinion on credit checks and the end of their era. When it comes to evaluating someone’s financial health, the gold standard is the credit check. Developed in the late 1980s, these snapshots have become the go-to tool to determine if a person is a good risk or not. […]