Improve Your Posture with 3 Easy Stretches You Can Do at Your Desk


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For most of us, spending over a year working from home has taken its toll on our lives in more ways than one. Working longer hours and sharing fewer (real-life) social moments with colleagues are some of the most familiar changes that spring to mind.  But, working from home in make-shift setups and leading increasingly […]

How Dr. Liza perfected the balance of fashion and function

Dr. Liza

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you want something done right, do it yourself.  Dr. Liza, a chiropractor and osteopath, had patients constantly coming in with problems due to the high heels they were wearing. When she was left without a better high heel option to recommend, she decided to create one herself. Now, her shoe designs are elevating one’s […]

Dr. Liza Explains How Good Posture Can Lead to Success

Stand Tall and Succeed. Written by Jordana Colomby  You can’t think yourself into better posture with constant reminders to sit up straight. Contrary to popular belief, bad posture can’t be fixed with mindfulness. “It’s about enabling the tight muscles to loosen and the joints that aren’t moving well to be balanced so that you’re naturally […]