Can I Have That Job? Geraldine Kavanagh, Head Forager, Glendalough Distillery

Woman in a brown, wide-brimmed hat smiling against a tree with glowers. She has long brown hair and is smiling.

Forager Geraldine Kavanagh spends her days among the lush rolling hills of eastern Ireland’s Wicklow county, otherwise known as the ‘Garden of Ireland’. Peacefully foraging the land’s freshest and most inspired seasonal ingredients, these botanicals eventually make their way into every bottle of the celebrated Glendalough Irish Gin, where Kavanagh started her career  a decade […]

Can I Have That Job? Christopher Sealy, Master Sommelier

Mean in white t-shirt and glasses sitting on a wooden apple box with legs crossed and arms grasped.

What does it take to be a captain of industry? To be the best at what you do while also loving every minute of it? In our new series Can I Have Your Job?, we explore the career paths of today’s most interesting professionals, asking them for sage career advice and how they got the […]